• Breaking News

    MixBox, the Video Streaming Program that Connects You 24/7, Launches Amazon Alexa Skill

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • Bandai Namco Arts has announced that MixBox has been built for an Amazon Alexa Skill for listening to MixBox with smart speakers on March 30.
    • A Japanese version for the Japanese market and an English version for the US market will be released simultaneously. (Developer: CYBIRD Co., Ltd.)
    • Through this Skill, you can enjoy free Bandai Namco Arts songs from the Lantis/Purple One Star label. A variety of anime song playlists will be delivered 24 hours a day, 365 days a day.
      • Enjoy music in any situation! - MixBox can be enjoyed as background music while working or as entertainment during breaks. Use it to wind down before bed or for a fulfilling day at home.
      • Control it with only your voice! - You can control MixBox just by asking Alexa. Simple commands allow you to pause or play the music, making it convenient for when you’re busy.
      • Discover new songs! - If you find a song that you like, you can use commands like “What’s this song?” or “Tell me the playlist” to view the song title, artist name, and playlist information on the Alexa app on your smartphone.
      • Enjoy the soothing voice of Lan Amane - If you have Alexa built-in device with a screen, you’ll be able to see the navigator Lan Amane. The Japanese version will also talk to you with Lan Amane’s voice, making your MixBox experience even more enjoyable.
        • How to use MixBox

          From Amazon.co.jp or the Amazon Alexa app > Amazon Alexa > Search for “Mixbox.” ◆ Fees: None ◆ Supported devices: Echo Show / Echo Show5 / Echo Show8 / Echo Spot / Echo / Echo dot / Echo Plus / Fire TV Stick 4K / Fire TV Stick / Fire TV Cube *Recommended: Echo Show, Echo Show5, and Echo Show8. Examples of speech: ・To start up the Skill: “Alexa, open MixBox” ・To play music. “Alexa, play.” ・To mute the music. “Alexa, mute.” ・To review how to use the Skill. “Alexa, help.” ・To close the Skill. “Alexa, stop.” “Alexa, goodbye.”

        [en]Source: [/en][es]Fuente: [/es]Official Press Release

        About EchoAmazon Echo - Hands-free, always ready, always responsive The Echo series are hands-free, voice-controlled smart speakers. You can ask for information, music, news, weather, and more from anywhere in the room, and Alexa will immediately respond. The Echo series uses remote speech recognition technology and an array of seven microphones to clearly pick up speech coming from different angles. Advanced beamforming technology is used to combine the signals from each microphone, suppressing noise, echoes, and even speech other than instructions. The Echo’s advanced audio design features Dolby processing, which combines a dedicated tweeter and a 2.5” down-firing woofer to deliver crisp vocals and dynamic bass response throughout the room. ■ About AlexaAlexa - The brain behind Amazon Echo Alexa is a cloud-based voice service that serves as the brain behind Echo series devices. With new functions added daily, it is constantly evolving, making it useful for playing music, reading out news and schedules, setting timers and alarms, and a variety of other everyday tasks. Thanks to remote voice control technology, you can activate it from anywhere in the room simply by saying “Alexa.” ■ MixBox Official Twitter & Official HomepageOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/Amane_LANOfficial Homepage: https://mixbox.liveLan Amane’s ProfileName: Lan Amane Title: The Music-Loving Anime Song DJ Girl Nickname: DJ Lan Age: 20 DOB: November 26 Hobbies: Watching anime, playing games, browsing social media, reproducing her favorite songs on Chiptune. Weaknesses: Loses sight of everything around her when she’s focusing. No sense of direction. Dream: To deliver music to people around the world. Likes: Music, anime, game subcultures Dislikes; Horror movies, cacophonies Favorite foods: Nabe hot pot Favorite music: Likes all genres, but especially anime songs ■ Developer: CYBIRD Co., Ltd. Company name: CYBIRD Co., Ltd. (https://ift.tt/2O81tY6) Head Office: Mansard Daikanyama 10-1 Sarugakucho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0033 Representative: CEO Tadashi Motojima Established: September 29, 1998 Business: Mobile service/game contents provision, content business support, development/provision of cross-media solutions, mobile/website construction, e-commerce, research and development of next-generation platforms/technologies, etc.
        [balloon_speech align="left" text="24/7 music, that's what I'm talking about!" image="bee-music"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="And hands-free!" image="honey-music"]
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