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    Top 5 Isekai Hentai Manga [Best Recommendations]

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    We recently had a look at trying to find as many examples of isekai themed hentai anime. It turns out there aren’t that many...yet. However, during our research into the subject, we found there are some really good isekai hentai manga being made. So there’s still something to enjoy for all you isekai hentai fans, after all!

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    5. Kigenzen 10000 Nen no Ota (The Otaku in 10,000 BC)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="DMM" url="https://ift.tt/2YaNL8q" ]
    • Mangaka: Chousuke Nagashima
    • Genre: Hentai, Isekai
    • Volumes: 19
    • Published Date: July 2019

    A lonely nerd called Ota is suddenly rejected by his girlfriend. She really lays into him, listing all of his faults at once. She says the biggest flaw of his is being too much of an otaku, which makes him uninteresting as a person. Heart-broken, he heads to his part-time job while not paying attention to his surroundings when suddenly, he snaps back to reality and he’s now sitting in a bush somewhere. He sees a scantily-clad blonde woman being chased by two neanderthals. No, not muscular misogynist men… literal cavemen! They catch up to her, ripping off what little clothing she was already wearing. Ota watches in silent horror from the bushes as the two brutes violently rape her from behind. Before long, a whole tribe of these prehistoric people emerge and attack the two rapists. Another beautiful woman with dark hair brutally bludgeons the two men to death, before scolding their victim for wandering off alone. She explains to her rescuer that she was trying to find a rare flower as a gift for her mother, but is cut off when a sabretooth tiger lunges at them! The large cat is soon scared off by the fearsome warrior woman and runs towards Ota, knocking him hard against a boulder. Left alone and bleeding, Ota wonders if he’s going to die in this strange place. Terrified at the thought of dying a virgin, he fantasizes about whether or not he could find it in himself to rape a woman. The blonde woman from before returns, still looking for that flower and muttering to herself about a legend where the flower is supposed to appear when the sky turns purple. She eventually stumbles upon a… dildo!? Satisfied that this is the “flower” she was looking for, she turns to go back but is stopped by Ota rushing at her from the bushes. Desperate to not die a virgin, he seizes his moment. He pushes her to the ground and aggressively grabs her breasts, hungrily sucking on them until milk flows into his mouth. He forcibly enters her and is surprised to discover that she’s enjoying it. She exclaims that she’s never had sex while facing someone before. Has Ota just invented missionary sex?? After he has his way with her, she agrees to take him back to her village. His unusual modern clothing might startle her tribe, so she dresses him in the fur pelts the murdered men from before were wearing. She even ties him up, presenting him as a captured slave!

    4. I Became A Mage in Another World

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="Fakku" url="https://ift.tt/3cadOVf ]
    • Mangaka: Naoto Fukuyama
    • Genre: Hentai, Isekai, Harem
    • Volumes: 3
    • Published Date: September 2020

    After getting rejected by the girl he likes for seeming too much like a pervert, Sasuke Sayama decides to soak away his troubles in a relaxing bath. Desperately wishing for a girlfriend, he sinks beneath the warm water. Only when he resurfaces he finds the water has suddenly gone cold. He opens his eyes and finds himself outside, with two beautifully busty babes looking at him in confusion. Before he can ask where he is, a large monster attacks! His instincts kick in and he conjures a powerful energy blast to disintegrate the creature into dust. Feeling weak after expending almost all of his newfound magical ability, he collapses. Sasuke wakes up to find the two lovely ladies from before have taken him to safety. They introduce themselves as the princesses Elisa and Aina, the current heirs of two neighboring kingdoms and close friends since childhood. They explain that they’re surprised to find a living mage since all magical knowledge has since been lost to the pages of history. Our guy can feel his mind filling up with all kinds of arcane secrets automatically; he truly is a mage in this world! For some reason, and confirming he’s a pervert, the first thing he wants to do with his newfound powers is... to have sex. He convinces the princesses that in order for him to save their kingdoms from the forces of darkness, he needs his mana supplies to be regularly replenished, and the princesses agree that this seems to be a fair exchange. Sasuke then creates a sexual contract with each of them by casting a magical crest on their bodies. The more they come into contact with his bodily fluids, the more they will desire him and only him!

    3. Isekai Harem Monogatari

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="DMM" url="https://ift.tt/3aivCLF" ]
    • Mangaka: Omina Tachibana
    • Genre: Hentai, Isekai, Harem
    • Volumes: 7
    • Published Date: January 2018

    A perpetually horny teenager, Naoki is so addicted to masturbating no one else wants to be near him. One day, while indulging in his favorite pastime, his magazine starts to glow and he’s transported into a magical fantasy world, summoned mid-ejaculation by a busty cleric named Tianne who gets sprayed full in the face! She doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, it seems to be what she was hoping for! By ingesting his semen, her magical powers become amplified. Now realizing he is naked and surrounded by monsters on a battlefield, Naoki watches in stunned silence as Tianne uses her powered-up magic to blast the monsters into oblivion. The rest of the sexy warriors are so amazed they also want to take advantage of this new power source, and you can already imagine where this is going. Back at the inn where the three ladies are staying, they decide to get to know their new savior a little better. According to legend, a hero from another world will be able to provide a valuable resource for defeating the forces of darkness, and Naoki just so happens to be that hero. Tianne’s traveling companions, Filia and Lusse, begrudgingly agree to pleasure Naoki using their mouths to get what they need from him. At first, Naoki is overjoyed at how lucky he is to have three beautiful women pleasuring him at once, but he eventually realizes that blessing could also be a curse: after each one gets a taste of his semen, they become hungry for more, and he soon finds himself in a complex four-person orgy. Every time he wants to take a break, Tianne uses her magic to keep him perpetually hard. “Be careful what you wish for” indeed.

    2. There’s No Such Thing As 18+ In This Parallel World

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="Fakku" url="https://ift.tt/2vR1NkA" ]
    • Mangaka: Kaiwai Haraise
    • Genre: Hentai, Isekai
    • Volumes: 6
    • Published Date: February 2020

    An aspiring mangaka by the name of Yotaro Utsugi was told by his editor that his art is good, but his storytelling skills need work. While waiting at a train platform, another commuter bumps into him causing him to drop his electronic tablet containing all of his artwork. He lunges out to grab it, about to get hit by an oncoming train in the process. A few seconds later, he wakes up in an open field. As he walks around trying to figure out what happened, he hears some heavy breathing behind him. Suddenly, a cat-girl pounces on him, holding his tablet! She’s fascinated by the “picture slab” and wants to understand more of what the characters in his ecchi manga are doing. Without bothering with introductions sitting on top of him, she immediately pulls out Yotaro’s cock and forces it inside her. He begs her to stop but before he knows it, he’s ejaculated already. Feeling ashamed and somewhat violated, he looks up at the strange girl to see her looking disappointed. Sensing that she’s not yet done with him, Yotaro decides to go on the offensive this time. He starts by sucking her breasts, driving her wild with pleasure. He aggressively thrusts into her, somehow understanding exactly how she likes it. Before he can begin to question how he ended up in this situation, she asks to see his picture slab again. His shy artist persona takes over and he snatches the tablet away from her, without thinking. Wanting to thank him for teaching her about sex, she decides to take him back home with her. She drapes a cape over him and suddenly they’re flying through the air! Yotaro can’t seem to catch his breath in this place. Once they arrive in her hometown, the unusual cat-girl finally introduces herself as Luna. What an intense introduction!

    1. Boku no Risou no Isekai Seikatsu (My Ideal Life in Another World)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="Fakku" url="https://ift.tt/3eF4A10" ]
    • Mangaka: Ichiri
    • Genre: Hentai, Isekai
    • Volumes: 11
    • Published Date: January 2018

    A photographer in his 40’s enjoys regularly masturbating to photos of the young girls he works with. While being unable to touch them in real life, he takes pleasure in fantasizing about all the things he wishes he could do to them. One evening, while partaking in his favorite hobby, his vision goes dark all of a sudden and he wakes up coughing. An adorable girl with cat ears is standing over him, a look of concern in her eyes. She says that he fell into a river and she keeps referring to him as “Norun”. Upon closer examination, he realizes that he is no longer an overweight man in his 40’s but an adorable, young cat-boy! He eventually learns that the cute female who rescued him from the river is Misia, his soon-to-be wife. In this strange new world he’s now living in, everyone is some sort of human/animal hybrid, nobody ages past 15 years old, and women far outnumber the men. Plus, now he’s betrothed to the cutest cat girl he’s ever seen, this world is like a dream come true for him. After Misia leads him back to where they both live together, she immediately starts undressing while explaining that it's time for their bath, taking off Norun’s clothes too. Unable to believe his luck, he goes along without argument. He enjoys the sensation of his new fiancee gently washing his back… and that’s when she mentions that it’s unusual for him to be so co-operative—usually, Norun yells at her to stop touching him and insists on washing himself. While he ponders for a moment on the type of person he’s currently inhabiting, he’s startled by Misia excitedly discovering Norun’s erection. According to Misia, men in this world only become aroused once a year. Immediately, their animal instincts kick in and soon the two of them are having sex all over the house.

    Bonus: Isekai wa Kounoku (How They Fap in Parallel Worlds)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="Fakku" url="https://ift.tt/2GGtLnW" ]
    • Mangaka: Ichiri
    • Genre: Ecchi, Isekai, Comedy
    • Volumes: 18
    • Published Date: December 2017

    A human girl named Makura is somehow transported into another realm and finds a job working at an interdimensional brothel. Creatures of every shape, size and species pass through on their travels looking to relieve some tension before embarking on various fantasy adventures. Makura’s first client is a slime, but not any kind of humanoid slime creature… just a slime, like the ones that show up at the beginning of old-school RPGs! Since it has no mouth or even a face, the staff are stumped as to how to go about pleasuring the unstable short-chain molecule. That’s where Makura comes in, who as a human, is regarded as the most sexually gifted of the various species. She enters the room to find her client waiting patiently on the bed, completely still. She examines them carefully, applies some scientific logic and gets to work. Since this is classed as ecchi and not a hentai manga, we decided to give it a separate special mention here. Each volume is really short—only a couple of pages each—yet it is really funny despite its length. It has a very similar style of humor and premise to Ishuzoku Reviewers, just on a much smaller scale. It’s definitely worth a look!

    Final Thoughts

    Success! Isekai hentai does exist out there if you know where to look. Luckily, more and more manga are being published every day, including several isekai hentai. In addition, there is also a plethora of really good isekai ecchi manga titles to check out. Let us know in the comments below which isekai series’ you enjoy, and feel free to add more suggestions to our list!

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