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    6 BL/Yaoi Manga Like Ten Count [Recommendations]

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    Back in 2020, we were supposed to get an anime adaptation of the popular yaoi manga Ten Count, the story of a man suffering from mysophobia (fear of germs) and a doctor who wants to help him overcome it. Shirotani wasn’t always like this, but after some traumatic events, his fear of germs was triggered. Now that he’s older, he does his best to deal with it, wearing gloves, avoiding touching things while he’s out on the streets, and washing his hands every time he gets the chance. When Kurose meets him and notices his strange behavior, he decides to step in and help him, and that’s how Shitorani and Kurose’s relationship begins. Due to some problems with production, the anime adaptation was postponed… but fear not, fujoshis! We have a solution for you! While we sit back and wait for the release of this anime, here are six manga similar to Ten Count that’ll keep you entertained!

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    Similar BL/Yaoi Manga to Ten Count


    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="NEOBK-2283738" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Authors" content1="Rihito Takarai" item2="Genres" content2="Drama, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural" item3 = "Volumes" content3="1+" item4="Published" content4="September 2013 (on hiatus)" post_id="" ][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Mangaka" content1="___content1___" item2="Género" content2="___content2___" item3 = "Volúmenes" content3="___content3___" item4="Publicado" content4="___content4___" post_id="" ][/es]

    In this world, plant seeds have amazing powers that are sought after by humans. It would be a disaster if the wrong person cultivates the wrong seeds, so for that reason, there’s a special group of soldiers who are in charge of patrolling the city, keeping everything under control. However, there’s a boy named Luca who ignores the law and illegally grows seeds to sell in the black market. His father, Christophe, is also growing seeds and, when the soldiers arrive at their house, he tells Luca to swallow some seeds and escape. What exactly are those seeds? Luca doesn’t make it far after swallowing the seeds; he loses consciousness but fortunately for him, his friend Abel finds him and takes him to his house. When Luca wakes up, he finds out he’s been sleeping for two years and a plant is growing inside of his body. The art style of Graineliers rings a bell, right? That’s because it’s by Rihito Takarai, Ten Count’s author! Luca looks like a younger version of Kurose, and Abel is a less troubled Shirotani. While this manga is not BL, that won’t stop us from shipping these two childhood friends together, as they make an adorable couple!

    2. Houyou Jikken

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B0772GGR6F" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Authors" content1="Uki Ogasawara" item2="Genres" content2="Drama, Mystery, School, Yaoi" item3 = "Volumes" content3="1" item4="Published" content4="October 2011 - July 2013" post_id="" ][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Mangaka" content1="___content1___" item2="Género" content2="___content2___" item3 = "Volúmenes" content3="___content3___" item4="Publicado" content4="___content4___" post_id="" ][/es]

    Miya is a university student who’s sick and needs constant check-ups. For some people, it might seem like a pain in the neck, but Miya is already used to it. One day, he meets Rei, a student rumored to be the leader of a drug-dealing association. Somehow, Rei seems familiar, but where have these two met before? Rei is the kind of student you wouldn’t want to be involved with: he looks dangerous and he’s rumored to be a drug dealer. When Miya first meets him, he’s scared but can’t help feeling attracted to his strange aura. After Miya goes to a party in the biology lab, Rei takes him to a room to run some tests and see what his medical condition is. Not only is he trying to help Miya, but it also seems he wants something else? What starts as a kouhai-senpai relationship quickly turns into something more steamy and sexy… and we’re here for it!

    3. Hatsujou Virus

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B017B252LQ" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Authors" content1="Mio Tennouji" item2="Genres" content2="Drama, Romance, Smut, Yaoi" item3 = "Volumes" content3="Unknown" item4="Published" content4="November 2013 - June 2015" post_id="" ][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Mangaka" content1="___content1___" item2="Género" content2="___content2___" item3 = "Volúmenes" content3="___content3___" item4="Publicado" content4="___content4___" post_id="" ][/es]

    Having haphephobia (fear of touching or being touched) is no picnic for Keisuke, but he lives his everyday life trying not to think too much about it. Working at a lab is the perfect job for him because he doesn’t need to be in contact with a lot of people; but after a tube holding the sample of a strange virus breaks, he’s forced to isolate himself with Yoshitomo, a man he’s never seen before. What’s even worse, Keisuke suddenly longs for Yoshitomo to touch him… Right from the beginning, Hatsujou Virus hits us with a delicious sex scene between Keisuke and Yoshitomo. How is that possible if Keisuke has haphephobia? Let’s blame it on that shady virus that makes anyone who has come in touch with it feel hot, twitchy… and horny. Even though Keisuke is strongly against being touched, or even touching someone else, he starts feeling desperate to touch someone after the virus spreads across the room. Luckily, Yoshitomo is there to help him with that little problem. Of course, haphephobia shouldn’t be taken so lightly in real life, and every patient should be respected, giving them their space.


    Any BL/Yaoi Manga Like Hinomaru Zumou (Hinomaru Sumo)?

    4. Omae Wa Hitsuji

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="NEOBK-2272230" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Authors" content1="Bosco Takasaki" item2="Genres" content2="Romance, School, Yaoi" item3 = "Volumes" content3="27" item4="Published" content4="July 2014 - January 2015" post_id="" ][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Mangaka" content1="___content1___" item2="Género" content2="___content2___" item3 = "Volúmenes" content3="___content3___" item4="Publicado" content4="___content4___" post_id="" ][/es]

    Yuuya Sahara has nowhere to go: his house caught fire and now he’s homeless. Fortunately, not everything is lost for him, and he’s blessed enough to find a place where to stay while he sorts his situation out. But while Yuuya is waiting outside of his friend’s house, a scary-looking man shows up demanding to know who he is. This man is Tsukasa, the owner of the house! Off to a bad start, Yuuya is determined to do everything it takes to repay Tsukasa’s generosity… even if that means sleeping with him. On his first night sleeping under the same roof, Yuuya wakes up to find out that he’s being held by his host! What’s even more shocking is that Tsukasa is the lecturer in one of the classes that Yuuya is taking, and they’ll have to see each other quite a lot on campus. Yuuya is worried that he won’t be able to repay Tsukasa's kindness, but it might be easier than he thinks. Similar to the dynamic in Ten Count, Yuuya helps Tsukasa with a little problem he has: he’s not able to sleep very well, but when he holds Yuuya, he sleeps like a baby! If you fancy a manly seme and a hardworking uke, then Omae Wa Hitsuji is the manga for you.

    5. Sagatte Omachi Kudasai

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="4862528953" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Authors" content1="Haruhira Moto" item2="Genres" content2="Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Yaoi" item3 = "Volumes" content3="1" item4="Published" content4="2010" post_id="" ][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Mangaka" content1="___content1___" item2="Género" content2="___content2___" item3 = "Volúmenes" content3="___content3___" item4="Publicado" content4="___content4___" post_id="" ][/es]

    Carrying out his job might seem difficult for someone like Tanaka, who has a strong aversion to being touched. Somehow, he just makes it work, at least that is until he crosses paths with Doujima, a businessman who discovers his secret. Far from taking the hint and staying away from Tanaka, Doujima insists on touching and staying close to him. After finding out about Tanaka’s problem, Doujima makes fun of him but soon understands that it’s not a laughing matter. Even though he insists on touching him, this businessman has good intentions; he just wants to help Tanaka overcome his aversion. Of course, Tanaka is not very pleased and just wants to be left alone, but at the same time, he can’t help but want to be a bit closer to this strange man. Just like Kurose helps Shirotani cure his fear of germs with questionable methods, Doujima will do the same for Tanaka. Sagatte Omachi Kudasai is a sweet manga that’ll make you root for Tanaka and wish he can really be cured by the end of the story.

    6. Adam No Rokkotsu

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01159EOOC" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Authors" content1="Atami Michinoku" item2="Genres" content2="Drama, Yaoi" item3 = "Volumes" content3="2+" item4="Published" content4="March 2018 - Ongoing" post_id="" ][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Mangaka" content1="___content1___" item2="Género" content2="___content2___" item3 = "Volúmenes" content3="___content3___" item4="Publicado" content4="___content4___" post_id="" ][/es]

    Yuuma works as the mascot for an amusement park, bringing joy to all of its visitors. He gets along really well with all of his co-workers, but there might be an exception to that rule. When Kazuha moves to the dorms and becomes Yuuma’s roommate, things take a chaotic turn. Yuuma will be faced with a man who has a complex illness that’ll make life in that room complicated yet extremely interesting. It doesn’t take long for Yuuma to realize that there’s something wrong with his new roommate: one moment he’s nice, calm and collected, and the next he shows an aggressive and dominant personality. Kazuha explains that he has Dissociative Identity Disorder, a mental illness due to childhood trauma. Throughout the manga, Yuuma gets to know the different personalities that live inside the host, whose name is Rei. Each personality shows up when faced with a specific situation that triggers them, and Yuuma starts to understand a little bit more how Rei’s mind works. Just like in Ten Count, Adam No Rokkotsu deals with a delicate theme adding some sex to the mix. While the sex scenes are spicy and more than welcome, it’s important to mention that mental illnesses should in no way be romanticized or fetishized. In a similar way to how Kurose helps Shirotani overcome his fear of germs, Yuuma will help Rei get some treatment for his illness and work out how things with his alters work.

    Final Thoughts

    We hope that the anime adaptation for Ten Count sees the light of day before 2021 is over. Maybe the Yaoi Gods are kind enough to bless us with good news?! For the time being, it’s not a bad idea to revisit the manga and then move on to similar stories to keep our fujoshi hearts happy. These stories have similar vibes to Ten Count and, what’s more important, most of them give us enough hot sex scenes to keep us happy and well-fed for some time. Do you have any other recommendations? Let us know in the comments below!

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