Mashle: Magic and Muscles First Impression - “The Non-Magic Buff Dude Becomes Animated!”

Fans of Shonen Jump no doubt have read or passed by a series called Mashle: Magic and Muscles when it was released in 2020. Almost mocking the themes behind Harry Potter—but in a silly way—the series stars Mash Burnedead who was left abandoned as a child and raised by a meek wizard named Regro. What makes Mash so different—and why he was most likely abandoned—is he doesn’t bear a “scar” on his face indicating he can’t use magic as he wasn’t blessed by the gods. To make up for his magicless abilities, Mash has made weight-lifting and training his daily thing to the point that he can now bench inhuman amounts of weight and can literally brute force his way through everything. You see, it is easy to see why many could see this as almost a play at Harry Potter—who had a scar and was extremely proficient in magic even as a baby due to reasons—but Mashle has made us laugh out loud here at Honey’s Anime. That’s why when we discovered A-1 Pictures—The Seven Deadly Sins, Erased, Sword Art Online, and many more—we couldn’t wait to check this series out! After three episodes, we have a lot to say about Mashle: Magic and Muscles and we know you readers out there want to hear what we think about it as well. Here’s our first impression of Mashle: Magic and Muscles and why you need to watch this show NOW!
A lot Can be Solved With Brute Strength

Again, poor Mash lacks magical abilities and while that didn’t hinder him when he was just living with his “father” in the woods away from society after a series of events forced him to join a well-known magical school, Mash now finds his life a bit harder to deal with. Luckily, Mash is a powerhouse of a young man who solves most of his problems by either hitting them with his fists, kicking, lifting absurd amounts of weight and/or a combination of everything we just stated. The humor in Mashle is that despite Mash being literally surrounded by powerful witches and wizards all gunning for a prestigious title called the Divine Visionary, Mash uses his pure might to make things work. Mash can’t fly a broom so in one episode, Mash throws his broom with all of his strength, jumps on it as it's flying, and pretends that is him flying on a broom…We know the phrase “not everything can be solved with brute force” but Mash shows maybe everything can be solved with muscles.
The Comedy Is Perfect

When you think of buff guys, especially in the world of anime, you probably think of big dudes who talk loudly and show off their muscles. Mash…may have names for his muscles—which is strange—but he’s a very humble and semi-airheaded individual with a heart of gold. That’s why the humor in Mashle hits perfectly. From breaking doors, because he forgot how to open them—a running gag in the show—to eating cream puffs after lifting an iron…Mashle’s humor is from just how it often is so downright absurd and goofy that it is comedic. Mash’s first major exercise is to use magic to make words on a test paper stop moving. Obviously lacking magical abilities, Mash literally puts fear into the spell by breaking a wand and yelling at the world—in his monotone voice—to stop moving around. Solving a maze, Mash doesn’t run around and find the proper exit but instead brute forces his way through the magic-filled walls and escapes. This type of humor is sometimes ridiculous but that’s why we haven’t found a single episode of Mashle to not be funny!
A-1 Pictures Knows How to Flex

A-1 Pictures is well known for their incredible feats with animation and while Mashle might not be the next SAO franchise in terms of looks, we can’t deny it captures the majesty of the manga quite well! From the various goofy faces made by Mash and his friends/enemies to the more epic moments of Mash beating an enemy with his pure power, Mashle looks very good and mirrors the feel of the manga to the letter. We do feel Mashle—not per se A-1 Pictures' fault mind you—reuses images like Mash nomming on cream puffs or just standing there in his mushroom head glory but it can feel a bit repetitive at times and we’re only three episodes in. Still, maybe part of the comedy can stem from Mash and his almost non-caring face despite how good the dude is and how innocent he is as well.
A Plateau Effect

Bodybuilders or dieticians will tell you that the Plateau Effect is real as it means your body gets used to the routines you’re doing and instead of gains you find yourself hitting a standstill with whatever you are doing whether it be losing weight or gaining muscle. Mashle: Magic and Muscles might end up having that Plateau Effect after a few dozen episodes as the humor is great but rarely ventures off into unseen territory. When not taking jabs at another wizarding series we mentioned too much already, Mashle relies heavily on Mash’s ways of being for humor and to create various situations for our MC. These events might get old after a while and we could see diminishing the comedy and drama that the show relies heavily on. However, this could all change later as Mashle progresses so it’s only a worry, not an issue we have with the series just yet.
Final Thoughts

Mashle: Magic and Muscles aren’t getting enough love this season and we hope our article rectifies this audacity! Honestly, three episodes in have left us laughing to the point of tears and equally wondering how Mash will solve his next magic situation with his pecks! Those who were on the fence with Mashle let us ease your spirits and tell you this is an amazing series so far and we can feel it will only get better going forward! Are any of you watching Mashle: Magic and Muscles alongside us? Comment below your favorite scenes and why you love/hate the series! For more first-impression articles and coverage of your favorite anime, keep stuck to our muscles—in our minds—hive here at Honey’s Anime!
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