Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! Double (Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2) Review - Annoying Your Senpai Round 2!

The second season of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! has dropped this Fall and we are excited to be back with our favourite college duo as they continue to figure out how to express their feelings. For those not in the know, Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! is a RomCom anime about two college students, Hana Uzaki and Shinichi Sakurai, who have been friends since their time in the swimming club at high school. Uzaki-chan constantly bothers her senpai to hang out due to pity for his lack of social skills and inability to make friends, but also because of her unconfessed feelings. Season two of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! focuses increasingly on the romantic side of this anime’s RomCom storylines, keeping up the jokes from the first season but with eyes on their relationship moving to the next level.
Constant Ridicule Brings Love
A whole two seasons of poking fun at each other between Uzaki and Sakurai, and it’s clear to see that love comes in all shapes and sizes. These two continue their joking nature in the second season, be it Uzaki whacking Sakurai on the back to get his attention, or Sakurai taking another jab at her below-average height, it never ends. That is why we love this pair, their chemistry is endearing and shows how a solid friendship is a concrete base for building a relationship, and that is exactly what happens. Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2 is a RomCom anime after all, meaning a development in their relationship from friends to lovers is inevitable, especially after so many episodes. Though Shinichi and Hana have a very slow-burning relationship, it is clear that the two have feelings for each other and eventually spit them out after interference from everyone else, bringing out the romance of this RomCom story.
Not Mixing it Up Too Much
Whether or not you agree, sticking to a formula for an anime can work wonders, especially for a RomCom that does not want to alienate its audience too much. Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2 does this very well, sticking to a pattern of comedy used in the first season that worked previously in the manga. The key to using this same style of comedy and keeping it entertaining, whilst preventing it from going stale lies in the sporadic use of exaggeration. The best example of this is when Sakurai takes part in a football game - American Soccer - against three “bullies”, where he slams the ball into all of them with Mortal Kombat-style x-ray views of the damage caused. This exaggeration takes the usual comedy skit used throughout the series of Sakurai being an exceptional athlete and ramps it up to ten for comedic effect. Using this same style of extravagance in comedic delivery sparingly in season two allows for the comedy to remain fresh, especially for new fans.
Final Thoughts

If you enjoyed season one of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! then watching season two should be a no-brainer as we get more of the couple we love to see! However, the series also holds a lot for broader fans of RomCom anime with a heart-touching story of friends to lovers, and some outlandish slapstick comedy that will keep you smiling throughout. What did you think of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2? Let us know in the comments!
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