Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic - PC Review

“Draw Your Path to Adventure Little Angel”
Game Info:
- System: PC
- Publisher: BYKING Inc.
- Developer: BYKING Inc.
- Release Date: April 27, 2022
- Pricing:$4.99 (70% from original price)
- Rating: NR
- Genre: Puzzle, Adventure
- Players: 1
- Official Website: https://abyssmemory.jp/
- Steam Store Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1582730/Abyss_Memory_Fallen_Angel_and_the_Path_of_Magic/
Who it Caters to

BYKING Inc. might not be a super well-known name in the west—as the only big release here was My Hero One’s Justice 1 and 2 as well as the still in progress My Hero Ultra Rumble—but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a pretty established team in the gaming world. Many of the members originally worked on some big titles like Rival Schools, Marvel vs. Capcom, Resident Evil 5, and the list goes on. That’s why when we were given the chance to play their latest original game, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic, you know we couldn’t turn that down. Aimed at delivering a narrative puzzle/adventure experience, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is an extremely simple game to pick up but one that has a very particular amount of depth to it! Those seeking an anime-like puzzle experience that is brimming with chibi art and detailed backdrops might want to continue reading as this little title has a big heart and beats with a passion we don’t see too often here at Honey’s Anime!
What to Expect

Set in a strange landscape for a small little angel, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is a straightforward puzzle/adventure where players use their mouse to draw lines to navigate across dangerous paths and other environmental hazards. As you progress, the paths you’ll need to make will have to get cleverer as small gaps will soon turn into large chasms! Every line made uses a meter of magic and they won’t last forever, meaning, timing will play a key role as well. With beautiful set pieces, cute sprite images, and gameplay almost anyone can pick up without issue, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is a little adventure that you do not want to miss. Curiosity might have killed the cat but in the case of Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic, curiosity might lead you to a new puzzle experience that can be played by almost anyone of any gaming creed and level!
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Mariel has always loved learning about the world and various stories from the grand library in the heavens above. As she continued reading, Mariel’s curiosity began to overcome her, and one day, she decided to look below to see the lands dubbed the “Abyss”. As she gazed at the Abyss, Mariel fell from Heaven and now is in this strange land forced to move in a singular direction. Guided by you, you will need to make pathways for Mariel to survive this landscape and the various dangers within. Mariel’s adventure back home will be a long one but it will also show a world not visible from the perspective of a book.

Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is a very deceiving game at first. When you begin chapter 1 of act one—which the game has 5 acts to go through—you will probably think you can master this title in one minute. Then you’ll hit the fourth chapter of the first act and realize…wow…this game is not the simple title you thought it was. Why do you ask? Simple! Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is a one-move puzzle game that somehow has more depth than many others like it. Once more, you play as a little fairy but not as Mariel herself. Mariel having fallen to the Abyss below has lost her ability to move correctly and can only go in a straight line and one direction at a time. That means if Mariel is facing left, she’s going left, and vice versa. Your goal is to use the power of lines to help Mariel move to the end of each level and collect a glowing book getting you one step closer back to Heaven. Again, this sounds so easy and almost painfully simple but BYKING Inc. is smart as they created a game that really will begin to test your skills the more you go in. Each level has numerous traps in the form of pitfalls, spikes, lasers, fireballs, monsters and the list goes on. Your line can be used to create pathways to help Mariel avoid these dangerous problems and the answer isn’t always about just making a line bridge, you’ll need to use your line power in creative ways. For example, one area will have lasers aiming down at you and spikes will be at the edge of the screen. Meaning, each time you let Mariel walk forward you can block the laser but if you don’t also make a line to block the direction ahead Mariel will just become a pin cushion. There are even times when you’ll need to shoot enemies by redirecting ice balls toward them with your line magic. What’s worse, is your lines do have a time limit and you can’t make an infinite amount of lines as the power needs to recharge. So spamming lines all around will get you nowhere quite quickly! Now solving puzzles isn’t impossible but there is an added bonus within Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic in the form of ratings. Drawing minimal amounts of lines, avoiding too many deaths, and completing levels quickly can get you higher grades and that will push those who love to brag about scores to really try to do their best at every level. There are also unlockable extra levels that will increase the challenge by reducing the time allotted, deaths, and lines drawn to push you to get better and better. Story-wise, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is cute and like the puzzle mechanics, is more than meets the eye. What starts off as a story of how deadly curiosity can be, ends up looking at a world that you have to question how it has become such a scary landscape. You’ll get your answers from your fairy companion as you go through each act and we loved the revelations made as they were a bit shocking. Truly, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic doesn’t hold back from trying to shock us, players. From the initial cutscene to the actual gameplay, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is quite a nice-looking game. Every act takes place in a different setting and while the obstacles and the levels are similar in design—they all have a dark/muted color palette—the enemies do change and the backdrops as well have various changes. Don’t expect a PS5-looking title but for the price of only $5, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is a pretty-looking game and that is a plus. It is only $5 now because it’s on sale. So grab it while you can.
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Honey's Gameplay Consensus:

Honestly, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is a shocking puzzle game that tested our brains a bit here at Honey’s Anime. Yes, it only asks you to make lines with your mouse but how you manipulate your line creation to guide Mariel changes as you get further in with tons of layers to it. BYKING Inc. clearly wanted to show their talents beyond their usual fighting game formula and we doubt many expected they could craft such a simple title that really is both fun, and easy to pick up but hard to master…but you will want to master it!
Honey's Pros:
- Simple gameplay mechanic that has a surprising amount of depth
- Cute character designs with beautiful settings
- Intriguing story that has a mysterious feeling
- Great price
- Accessible by all ages but will test your creative nature
Honey's Cons:
- Music is a bit hit and miss
- We do wish some of the level designs were a bit different here and there
Honey's Final Verdict:

We have to thank BYKING Inc. for giving us the opportunity to play Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic as it was probably one of the more surprising puzzle games we’ve played in recent memory. Many puzzle/adventure titles have a dozen gameplay mechanics to make them engaging and intuitive. Yet, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic uses one idea and puts a lot of thought into how to push that singular line system in ways even we didn’t expect! At only $5, Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic is a simple game to recommend and we hope you readers take our word for it! Are any of you going to dive into the Abyss and play Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below as we always love hearing from you, readers! For even more in-depth game reviews be sure to keep stuck to our line-drawing hive here at Honey’s Anime!
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