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    [Honey’s Anime Interview] Akane Kumada

    Akane Kumada and Honey-chan met on a hot summer day to talk about her first album, Sekai ga Haretara!

    Akane Kumada
    Interview with Akane Kumada
    Congratulations on your first album, Sekai ga Haretara! Can you tell us about your feelings about this album? What does it mean to you?
    Thank you! This album means a lot to me! The world feels a lot more gloomy than it used to. As a 22 year old, I’m no longer a child, but not quite an adult, so I don’t know what I can do, but I thought that if I shared my gloomy feelings without hiding them, some people out there might empathize with them or reminisce about times when they felt the same way. I hope that everyone who listens to this album will tell themselves “Iindayo” (It’s alright.) I produced this album in the hopes that it will add a little good cheer to the world!
    You are credited as the lyrics writer of the song “Kurage”. Can you tell us about your ideas, motivations and writing process for the lyrics of this song?
    When I first heard the sound source, I intuitively felt that it sounded like a “kurage” (jellyfish). When we do something, we tend to look for a “right answer,” because that makes us feel comfortable. But even if you know logically that nobody has the answer, sometimes you don’t know what to do, so you end up taking no action at all. I thought this was similar to a jellyfish going along with the currents, so I started researching jellyfish and incorporated some of my findings into the lyrics. My favorite part is at the end of the song, where it says “I don’t need a right answer. I’m going to start drawing with colors that make my heart sing!” I hope that everyone who listens to this song will have a moment in their daily lives that makes their hearts beat faster.
    You had your first solo live “Sekai ga Haretara” on Sunday, June 12, 2022 at the Science Museum in Tokyo. Can you tell us about it? Can you share with us your favorite moments on stage and also backstage?
    All of my fans were so kind and warm! Just thinking of how happy I was makes me all teary eyed! When I saw everyone’s faces from the stage, I got so excited that I skipped songs from the set list and cried during the MC segments... It’s thanks to my fans that I could do my first live performance as myself, without pretending to be something I’m not. Thank you so, so much!
    What does your daily routine as an artist look like?
    Before a performance or recording session, if I have time, I’ll soak in the bath and do a myofascial release with a roller massager before going to sing! When I get home, I’ll drink a warm glass of vegetable juice while reading everyone’s impressions on social media.
    What are your favorite things to do when you are not working?
    Sleeping in or going out without worrying about the time! I also enjoy shopping, having lunch with friends, and talking to lots of people.
    What is in the work for the rest of 2022 and next year?
    Thankfully, I’ve been given a place to perform, so I’m going to work even harder to meet lots of fans! I love to sing, so I hope that I can do another live concert at some point. Thank you so much to everyone who found me!

    Video Interview with Akane Kumada (2020)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7KigEOkgE0&t=4s [author author_id="024" author="" translator_id=""]

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