• Breaking News

    Otakon 2021 to Proceed as Scheduled August 6-8, 2021!

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • In cooperation with venue partners in Washington D.C., Otakorp Inc. would like to announce that Otakon 2021 will take place as scheduled from August 6-8 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
    • Otakon is the first major convention event being held as D.C. reopens. As performance venues and restaurants reopen, Otakorp is excited to work with its partners to start kicking off the tourism and event industry again. For more than 25 years, Otakon has been legendary for its unique and ground-breaking educational and cultural content. It is fitting that Otakon paves the way for future large events.
    • Due to travel restrictions and mandatory quarantine requirements, this year's event may not include any international guests. Otakon will be confirming guests in the coming weeks and will announce them as they are finalized.
    • Other possible changes may include pared-down hours, in order to allow the convention center adequate time to perform venue cleaning. Some high-traffic events such as Otakon Dance may not be held. Other changes will be announced as they are determined.
    • Otakon is dedicated to the safety of its membership and will be following any CDC and local guidelines that may still be in effect at the time of the convention.
    • Otakorp's senior staff would like to say thank you to their partners at Destination D.C., Events DC, Maritz, DSL, and more for their support during this challenging year. In addition, they'd like to thank all of the industry partners and guests, as well as the artists and dealers.
    • “We have been so eager to be able to put on an event, and we can’t wait to see our Otakon friends and family again. 2021 will be a year and an Otakon to remember.” She said she's looking forward to capturing the "reopening excitement."

      Brooke Zerrlaut, Otakorp President

    • For more information and the latest news on Otakon 2021, see http://www.otakon.com/

    [en]Source: [/en][es]Fuente: [/es]Official Press Release

    ABOUT OTAKON AND OTAKORP, INC. Now entering its twenty-seventh year, Otakon is an annual celebration of Japanese and East Asian popular culture, and also one of the largest gatherings of fans in the United States. Otakon celebrates popular culture as a gateway to deeper understanding of Asian culture, and has grown along with the enthusiasm for anime, manga, video games, and music from the Far East. Historically, Otakon has drawn up to 34,000 people for three days each year (for a paid attendance of over 100,000 turnstile attendees). Otakon is a membership based convention sponsored by Otakorp, Inc., a Pennsylvania-based, 501(c)3 educational non-profit whose mission is to promote the appreciation of Asian culture, primarily through its media and entertainment. Otakorp, Inc. is directed by an all-volunteer, unpaid staff – we are run by fans, for fans. For more information about Otakorp, Inc., see http://www.otakon.com/otakorp/index.asp
    [balloon_speech align="left" text="That's great news!" image="bee-blushing"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="YAY!! So glad Otakon will go on as planned!" image="honey-happy6"]
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