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    [Educational Seinen Winter 2021] Like Dr. Stone? Watch This!

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://ift.tt/3ayNOld" ]
    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="TBR-31140D" text="" url="" ]
    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="SVWC-70519" text="" url="" ]
    With Dr. Stone: Stone Wars out this season, we can’t get enough of Senkuu’s ingenious plots to take over the Tsukasa Empire! Each episode introduces us to yet another scientific discovery and Mecha Senkuu explains to us how different technological advancements can be realized with pre-historic materials. If you like Dr. Stone, we’ve got two more currently airing anime that are up your alley!
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    Liked Dr. Stone? Watch Tenchi Souzou Design-bu (Heaven’s Design Team)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://ift.tt/3ayNOld" ]
    [Information episodes="12" aired="7 January 2021 - Currently Airing" post_id=""]

    Did you know that God outsourced the creation of animals to a team of talented designers up in heaven? That’s the outlandish premise of Heaven’s Design Team and we’re here for it! Each new creation gets tested and we get to learn exactly why a Pegasus or a unicorn are not possible, while flesh-eating bacteria or giant killer whales are...

    Major Similarities Between Dr. Stone and Tenchi Souzou Design-bu (Heaven’s Design Team)

    1. It’s For Science Lovers

    Many of us are science nerds and love to find out how the world works and this is the main reason why we got hooked on Dr. Stone in the first place. Heaven’s Design Team delivers several enjoyable moments, where Mars, the engineer, gets to explain why certain concepts just don’t work! Balancing comedy and edutainment, Heaven’s Design Team shows us that nature can be really absurd in a similar manner to Dr. Stone showing us that science is everywhere around us.

    2. Whimsical Humor

    If you giggle every time Senkuu calls out the villagers for their ignorance and the gag humor (the old metalsmith bursting out of his clothes whenever he gets excited about a new creation, or Kohaku’s and Chrome’s rivalry) you would love Heaven’s Design Team. Each one of the main cast has their own hilarious obsessions: Neptune only creates cute animals despite his buff looks, Pluto is a gothic lolita who only creates creepy animal designs, and Saturn is the senior we all know at work, who constantly pushes for the same once-successful design he made back in the day.


    Liked Dr. Stone? Watch Hataraku Saibou Black (TV) (Cells at Work! CODE BLACK!)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="SVWC-70519" text="" url="" ]
    [Information episodes="13" aired="10 January 2021 - Currently Airing" post_id=""]

    Major Similarities Between Dr. Stone and Cells at Work! CODE BLACK!

    1. Action-packed Shounen

    Dr. Stone is above all a shounen series and its core is the conflict between the science users and Tsukara Empire, led by Tsukasa, The Strongest High School Primate. Cells at Work! CODE BLACK! delves into the constant fight between our body cells trying to keep us alive and a human who doesn’t give a second thought about ruining his health. Both plots call for epic fights between enemies with dire consequences!

    2. Learning the Hard Way

    If you are fascinated by the darker aspects of Dr. Stone and wished Senkuu was not able to save the day every single time, then you would definitely enjoy Cells At Work! CODE BLACK! What if Tsukasa took over and imposed a science-free dictatorship? In Cells At Work! CODE BLACK! we witness everything that could possibly go wrong while we still learn how our bodies work, in a similar fashion to how Dr. Stone teaches us how science improves our lives.

    Final Thoughts

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://ift.tt/3sH3pW7" ]
    Dr. Stone has opened the doors for more anime that combine entertainment and learning! Whether you prefer lighthearted fun or life-or-death struggles, there are shows for every taste. What do you think about our recommendations? If you haven’t checked Heaven’s Design Team or Cells At Work! CODE BLACK! yet, we guarantee that you will have an amazing time watching them. Join in the hype!
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