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    World Trigger Season 2 Starts With Tons of Action - First Impressions

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    World Trigger’s first season comes to an abrupt end after 73 episodes. That’s back in 2014. After four years of waiting, World Trigger has finally graced our screens once again, and we sure are excited for it. Since it’s been a bit long, we’re sure some of you guys have already forgotten what it’s about and where the first season has ended, so here’s a little recap. World Trigger is set in a world wherein different worlds are connected through gates. This is where Neighbors pass through to go from one world to another. In order to defend themselves from these Neighbors’ invasion, humans wield weapons called Triggers. The first season ends with the anime-exclusive Fugitive Arc. In the last episode of season one, Osamu and the gang are preparing to come up with new strategies, while Border prepares for Galopula's invasion. And without further ado, let’s hop into the second season!

    Spoilers Ahead

    Action Scenes Right Off The Bat

    The season starts with Galopula’s invasion, and that means a lot of battles. Unlike Aftokrator’s invasion, however, Galopula only sends a few humanoid Neighbors this time around. That doesn’t mean it’s a suicide mission, though. Galopula has also sent a lot of Trion Soldiers, keeping Border’s hands full. For us viewers, that means we’ll get to see our favorite squads in action. Yes, that includes Tamakoma First and Jin! While the rank battles are still ongoing, most of the remaining Border agents are fighting the trion soldiers outside. Meanwhile, some of them are trying to stop the humanoid neighbors who have already infiltrated Border. Nasu Unit’s Yuko Kumagai and Rei Nasu have fought and defeated a female neighbor with the help of Kikuchihara, but the real highlight is Rei’s final blow, a whirlwind-esque trion attack. Of course, the others aren’t slacking either. Even Jin helped defeat a humanoid Neighbor fighting Miwa Unit’s Miwa and Yoneya. Tamakoma First’s absurd triggers also steals some spotlight as they mow down a bunch of Trion soldiers. If the start of the season is already this action-packed, we’re surely in for a treat as the rank battles begin!

    Cute Clips At The End

    Since our people at Tamakoma Second are preparing for their match, they aren’t able to join the battle against Galopula. This, however, is Tamakoma First’s primary reason for fighting all-out. As Reiji puts it, one missed match will make it harder for Tamakoma Second to catch up. That said, we’re yet to see Tamakoma Second even after four years of waiting! Toei, it seems, is aware of our needs. Towards the end of each episode (up until episode 2 at the moment of writing), there is a short talk show-like clip of Osamu and Yuuma, which eases our want to see Tamakoma Second a bit. They exchange a few lines, giving a short recap of the episode and the like. Funny thing is that they are self-aware about their screen time. With the battle with Galopula’s first wave drawing to an end, there’s a good chance we’ll be seeing them in the next few episodes.

    Final Thoughts

    The second season of World Trigger has kept us waiting long enough, but it seems like all the wait is worth it. Even though we are yet to see Yuuma and the rest of the gang, we’re preoccupied with watching the rest of the characters show off against Galopula. That, however, can only keep our attention for a good few episodes. Hopefully, though, we get to see our chibis in Tamakoma Second soon.

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