• Breaking News

    Otakon Needs Our Help!

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • Though 2020 has been done with for almost a month, people and organizations are still feeling the effects of the pandemic. This week, Otakorp Inc., the non-profit organization behind Otakon, shared a letter from the president sharing that the 25-year-old convention is in danger of closing its doors permanently due to the difficulties faced thanks to a lack of pre-registrations.
    • The letter goes on to ask members of the otaku community to help Otakon survive by making a tax-deductible donation in order to keep afloat and return when we can all go back to our lives.
    • You can make a donation here: https://store.otakon.com/Otakorp-Donation-p278177978 and read the president's letter below.
    • We all miss conventions and being with our fellow otaku. Let's not let Otakon disappear!

    [en]Source: [/en][es]Fuente: [/es]Otakon Newsletter

    A Message from the President

    As much as we hope you love coming to Otakon, we love making it happen even more. We were devastated to have to cancel Otakon 2020. In a year where so much was going wrong, we held onto every chance to do something positive, but were ultimately unable to do so due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we turn the page on 2020, we're hopeful and looking forward to a better 2021. Now, more than ever, Otakorp needs your help. As you may be aware, Otakon is the annual convention of Otakorp, Inc. Otakorp is an all-volunteer run, nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization, whose mission is to promote the appreciation of Asian culture and its fandom, primarily through its media (anime, manga, music, movies, video games, etc.). As a volunteer organization, every dollar that we make from our memberships goes towards realizing that mission to promote and celebrate Asian culture, and our largest event is our annual meeting – Otakon. We use the proceeds from each year to plan the next Otakon and make sure we survive until then. So without the income from Otakon 2020, and the early pre-registrations we would normally see at this time of year, we are in a very precarious position. Put simply, in the next few months we will have to make a decision to continue planning for Otakon 2021, or potentially close our doors forever. We are hopeful. Our decision will come at a pivotal time during the rollout of the vaccine. We continue to work with our partners in DC to explore options to safely gather later this year. In the meantime, family, friendship, and community are more important than ever to stay connected. Because of this, it is even more crucial that we do not fail in our mission. That is why we are reaching out for the first time ever, and asking you to help us continue our work together. Otakon and Otakorp have always existed because of you, the community that has funded, advocated, volunteered, and celebrated with us since the beginning. We recognize that this comes at a time when we all continue to face great challenges. Your generosity will enable us to survive to continue planning for our next events, just as soon as it is safe to do so. Making a 100% tax-deductible donation, large or small, is the safest, simplest, and most effective way to support our organization and Otakon as we adapt to ever-changing circumstances due to COVID-19. https://store.otakon.com/Otakorp-Donation-p278177978 We have shared so many experiences over the years and we hope to be able to share many more. It is because of you that we continue to strive to live up to our motto - By fans, for fans. Thank You!!

    Brooke Zerrlaut, President of Otakorp, Inc.

    [balloon_speech align="left" text="We must do something about this!!" image="bee-surprised2"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Otaku, unite! We can do this!" image="honey-happy3"]
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