Can Horny Heroes Save the World? - Dokyuu Hentai HxEros (Super HxEros) Review

With the anime series now finished, save for the upcoming two-part OVA, it’s time to talk about what we thought of Super HxEros. Is this an underrated anime masterwork, just another example of seasonal ecchi fodder, or something else? We’ll be discussing Super HxEros’ strong points, shortcomings, and overall impression so let’s get started!
A Fun Premise
Considering there’s been some sort of ecchi parody of almost everything by this point, seeing a raunchy Super Sentai/Power Rangers-like anime isn’t that noteworthy in and of itself but we’d say it generally works well in Super HxEros, particularly how they tailor each monster of the day into various innuendos. Also, while the plot and story aren’t necessarily that important to a show like this, Super HxEros focus on Hoshino and Retto's past and current relationship along with “censor bug” Kiseichu Princess Chacha’s (sometimes perverse) interest in humanity added just enough story to keep the show going overall. However, the actual minute-to-minute plot is just adequate, mostly unremarkable, and full of familiar tropes.
Gratuitous Censorship
One thing that’s definitely worth mentioning is how hardcore Super HxEros goes in its censorship, so much so that it might be a major sticking point depending on what you’re watching it for. In short, it’s noticeable to the point of absurdity with the classic rays of light and fog, sparkle overlays, and more. It can honestly add to the experience in terms of how comedically overdone it is but if you’re actually interested in seeing some naughty bits this will definitely rain on your parade unless you buy the blu rays or whatever.
Decent Production Values
Although it’s definitely not the best we’ve ever seen, and has dips in quality, particularly towards late middle and end of the series, Super HxEros has surprisingly strong artwork that particularly stands out in its character designs and color palette which helps the show overall. The opening is also quite good, feeling very Super Sentai-esque and over-the-top and arguably is actually the best part of the series.
Final Thoughts

Overall, Super HxEros is an anime that should appeal to its core demographic well enough but likely deserves its lukewarm reception from the broader anime audience. While the extensive censorship present in the broadcast and streaming versions might be a hindrance to some, for anime fans looking for a dumb ecchi harem series to enjoy, Super HxEros offers a fun riff on Japanese super-team shows with overall solid art, a great opening theme, and plenty of cute girls that can make up for its generally mediocre story if you have the right expectations. Did you enjoy Super HxEros? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below and be sure to stick around Honey’s for more of all things awesome, anime and otherwise!
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