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    Quit Writing, Dear Author! (Actually, Never Quit Writing, Please!)

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    As fujoshis, we’re always looking for new stories to bless our eyes, and it can be quite tricky to find a good read when you feel like you’ve already seen it all. If we’re lucky enough, we stumble upon stories like Quit Writing, Dear Author!, a manhwa that promises to keep us entertained as long as the author doesn’t decide to actually quit! Oh, so you know nothing about this amazing BL webtoon? Well, you're in luck, then. Let's analyze Gokwoo and Hanro's masterpiece!

    When Characters Become Self-Aware…

    You’ve seen it in anime before; some characters break the fourth wall, knowing that they’re part of a show and making jokes about it, but that’s not that common when it comes to manga. That's why this story feels so refreshing, to say the least. Hee-wun, the main character in Quit Writing, Dear Author!, knows that his life is being shaped and modified according to what a writer comes up with! Imagine Hee-wun’s surprise when he’s checking his phone and he finds a mysterious app that wasn’t there before. Out of curiosity, he decides to see what it’s all about, only to find a story that is oddly similar to his own life. As Hee-wun reads through the first pages, he discovers that he’s not really popular among the readers and that they all demand the author to get rid of him. Fortunately, the story is not that good to begin with, so the author decides to scrap it… only to start a new one, moving Hee-wun and Geon-ju, his childhood friend, to a neighborhood where there are only male residents!

    Give Me a Break, Dear Author!

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    Hee-wun can tolerate the readers not liking him, it’s not like he has a choice, but it seems that the author is not very fond of him either. With every new chapter, Hee-wun has the impression that the author doesn’t really know where they want to take the story, but of one thing he is absolutely sure: he wants the author to give him a break! Ever since the beginning of his life, misfortune has been following Hee-wun like a shadow, and it’s Geon-ju who helps him through all those rough patches. Now that they’ve grown up, Hee-wun can’t ignore his feelings and wants to confess, but since it’s not part of the story, he has to silently watch the love of his life fall for someone else. Even though he can’t intervene when it comes to the main plot of the story, Hee-wun discovers that there are times when he has free will and can make his own decisions. His plan is to make the most out of that loophole, but on his first night out enjoying his freedom, he makes a terrible mistake and ends up sleeping with a stranger. Or is this mysterious man also part of the plot?

    Plenty of Men to Have Fun With

    Of course, we’re not here only to read an interesting and different story, right? With Quit Writing, Dear Author! we know we’re not going to run out of sexy men to ship the protagonists with since new people seem to pop up every new chapter. It’s not like Hee-wun is interested in anyone other than Geon-ju, though, but he has to follow the author’s rules. Trying to escape his fate, Hee-wun goes to a night club to find a man for a one-night stand, although he ends up getting more than he bargained for. Wu Yeol seems like the perfect guy to sleep with: tall, handsome, aloof, and quiet, and that’s why Hee-wun picks him as his partner. It was supposed to be a one-night thing, but Wu Yeol ends up showing up at Hee-wun’s workplace with only one thing in his mind: to have another night of rough sex with him! And what’s even worse, Hee-wun knows everything that’s going through Wu Yeol’s head.

    Final Thoughts

    If you want to laugh, feel the angst, or read something that will surely make you beg for more, then Quit Writing, Dear Author! is the perfect story for you. It has nice art, extremely attractive male characters, and a different plot that makes this manhwa stand out. It’s not often that you can find a story where the main character is aware of what’s happening, and yet he can’t do anything to change it. Poor Hee-wun suffers, and we suffer with him too… but we can’t deny that we enjoy this story more than we suffer from it!

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