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    6 Anime Like Houkago Teibou Nisshi (Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater) [Recommendations]

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    It’s great to have Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater back along with the same quality —the visuals are still beautifully drawn, the voice acting remains spot-on, and the girls at Breakwater Club are as quirky as ever. Houkago Teibou Nisshi (let’s call it Teibou from here on out) is a slice of life anime about a timid girl named Hina who ends up joining a club focusing on an activity she’s not familiar with. With time, Hina has grown to appreciate the fun of fishing, enjoying the catch with her clubmates, and sharing the enjoyment with Hina’s family. This “character experiencing new things and liking it” dynamic is very common in anime and sends a positive message that anyone can be good at something for as long as they pour their heart into it. With that in mind, we have selected 6 slice of life anime titles that share this character dynamic as well as the general theme of a group of girls having fun doing group activities. So are you ready? We sure are! This is Honey’s Anime 6 Anime Like Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater!

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    Similar Anime to Houkago Teibou Nisshi / Similar Anime to Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater

    1. Yama no Susume (Encouragement of Climb)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://ift.tt/1qNNfGu" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Episodes" content1="12" item2="Aired" content2="January 2013 - March 2013" post_id=""][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Episodios" content1="___content1___" item2="Emisión" content2="___content2___" post_id=""][/es]

    Yukimura Aoi is your average first-year high school girl who is a bit antisocial, and her hobbies are arts and crafts at home. Safe, comfy, fun; what else could she ask for? Aoi’s life will soon change after she is reunited with her childhood friend Kurae Hinata, who wants to climb mountains with her. At its core, Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater is the coming of age story of a girl who ends up joining a club about fishing, and despite her lack of experience, she gradually learns and appreciates fishing as an art form. Hina can’t just grab a fishing rod, put in bait, cast a line to the sea and expect to catch tuna, she has to learn the many types of tools needed to catch specific kinds of fish, she must master patience because fish are naturally cautious, and know when to pull the line and reel in her catch. Yama no Susume is very short with 3-minute-long episodes, but they’re still packed with enough story to keep you invested. Similarly to Teibou, you’ll be greeted with bite-sized chunks of information on the basics of mountain climbing, knowing the different kinds of gear for different conditions, what kind of food is easy to make while camping out, and climbing discipline. Aoi and Hinata won’t be scaling rocky cliffs or hiking a very tall mountain in Yama no Susume, but at least the girls are slowly learning and slowly improving. And fortunately for us, there are currently 3 seasons of Yama no Susume, so if you want to see a bunch of girls mountaineering, then Yama no Susume has a lot more to offer.

    Yama no Susume OP

    2. Yuru Camp△ (Laid-Back Camp)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://ift.tt/2EcElht" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Episodes" content1="12" item2="Aired" content2="January 2018 - March 2018" post_id=""][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Episodios" content1="___content1___" item2="Emisión" content2="___content2___" post_id=""][/es]

    Shima Rin loves to spend her time camping out in the wilderness alone. With nothing but a hot drink, a good book to read, the cool breeze of the lake, and the calming sound of nature, camping is a relaxing experience. Is that all, though? Rin soon encounters Kagamihara Nadeshiko who is stranded in the campsite and despite their abrupt encounter, Rin enjoys the company of her new guest. The next day, Nadeshiko joins the school's Outdoor Activities Club, and drags along Rin, because why not! Yuru Camp and Teibou share a lot of things; a group of girls doing club activities outdoors, the story teaches the audience about the basics of fishing or camping, and the most important similarity of all is the overall laid-back audio-visual experience. Teibou’s atmosphere is more urban because the girls are fishing on the nearby breakwaters across their small town, but despite Teibou not being as close to nature as Yuru Camp, the mood and atmosphere of the girls sitting on a breakwater having casual conversations with a calm ocean backdrop stained red by the setting sun while waiting for a fish to bite is very relaxing. Each Teibou episode is slow with no sense of urgency—it’s just girls, Hina, the passing of the seasons, catching fish, and enjoying cooking their haul at the end of the day. Yuru Camp takes you, Nadeshiko, Rin, Aoi, Chiaki, and Ena to real-life camping locations across Japan to take in the wonders of nature, away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. It transports you to the cool breeze of the lake, the rustling leaves of the forest, the moon and stars illuminating the campsite, and enjoying a hot cup of tea with the gang all tucked in their thick jackets to keep themselves warm. If you’re looking for more laid-back experience, then Yuru Camp is definitely an anime to watch.

    Yuru Camp Trailer

    3. HaNaYaMaTa

    [sourceLink asin="B01GWDSG5O" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Episodes" content1="12" item2="Aired" content2="June 2014 - September 2014" post_id=""][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Episodios" content1="___content1___" item2="Emisión" content2="___content2___" post_id=""][/es]

    Average at everything, Sekiya Naru is your average girl who longs to experience a dazzling life like in the fairy tales. Naru’s wish slowly comes true when she bumps into a girl named Hana, who is gracefully dancing under the stars and fireworks. The girl, Hana Fountainstand, visits Japan so she can learn yosakoi, a Japanese dance that dazzled her when she was a kid. Hana wants to dance yosakoi to everyone, so she creates the yosakoi club with Naru in tow. Club activities with friends are a very enjoyable experience because every day feels like you’re just hanging out with your friends and doing things together, be it lazing around, watching movies, or having lunch together. Hina, at first, finds everyone in the Breakwater Club very strange with a few loose screws, mainly because fishing is unknown to her. As time goes on, Hina gets to know more about Natsumi, Yuuki, and Makoto, and finally understands why they enjoy fishing and why they’re good at doing something, be it preparing the equipment for fishing, or cooking. Naru is a bit of an introvert, but she has friends like her childhood friend Yaya and Tami, but Naru’s friends are in their own worlds—Yaya is working hard for a band audition and Tami—who holds a higher social status—is usually at home being homeschooled. After forming the Yosakoi Club, the walls dividing Naru from the rest are no longer there, and for the first time, Naru feels a part of a group of friends having fun, and working towards a goal—dance yosakoi.

    HaNaYaMaTa Trailer


    Any Anime Like Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater / Any Anime Like Houkago Teibou Nisshi ?

    4. Long Riders!

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01LXDTADN" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Episodes" content1="12" item2="Aired" content2="October 2016 - February 2017" post_id=""][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Episodios" content1="___content1___" item2="Emisión" content2="___content2___" post_id=""][/es]

    Kurata Ami has long been curious about cycling, but she’s a bit of a scatterbrain and too clumsy to ride a full-sized bicycle. This time, she can definitely do cycling after Ami feels in love with those compact and foldable bicycles—they’re cute, small, and easy to use. Ami’s new bicycle now opens to new possibilities and her love for cycling truly begins. Hina has a long way to go before she can be good at fishing so she gets help and wisdom from everyone at the Breakwater Club. Natsumi teaches Hina the basics, Makoto teaches Hina how to prepare fish for cooking, and club president Yuuki show’s Hina her tricks of the trade. And lastly, fishing is a group activity, and it’s a more rewarding experience with friends. So what about Ami from Long Riders!? Ami, who is new to cycling, didn't realize there are a lot of things to enjoy in cycling, especially for long distances, until Ami and her friend Aoi met with experienced cyclists Hinako and Yayoi. Cycling across the beautiful Japanese landscape is already a rewarding adventure in itself, and arguably the best part of cycling long distances is experiencing the unique culture a region has to offer. Be it the food, the coffee, or the scenery, there will always be something new to experience, and they’re certainly worth every droplet of sweat and muscle spasm after the long journey.

    Long Riders! Trailer

    5. Houkago Saikoro Club (After School Dice Club)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="BIXA-9092" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Episodes" content1="12" item2="Aired" content2="October 2019 - December 2019" post_id=""][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Episodios" content1="___content1___" item2="Emisión" content2="___content2___" post_id=""][/es]

    Takekasa Miki has never understood what “fun” means because she’s been a very introverted girl since childhood. After discovering Oono Midori’s hobby of playing board games, Miki and her new friend Takayashiki Aya join the Saikoro Club and they play various board games together during their free time. Students join clubs for a lot of reasons: they join clubs because it’s mandatory in school, or they join as part of their scholarship, or they join so they can stay physically fit. But some students join clubs because they’re having fun. Hina doesn’t see catching smelly fish as something she enjoys, but Hina gradually sees why fishing is fun—the gratification of catching a big fish and the enjoyment of eating her catch. Every season and every shifting tide brings new opportunities to catch different kinds of fish, so there’s that thrill of preparing the right bait and tools, and the excitement of eating something new, bet it more fish, clams, or squid. The Dice Club isn’t a club from Miki’s school, but it's still a club of a group of people who are passionate about a sport or hobby. Miki has been introverted since childhood, so she never experienced fun, especially with friends. After joining the Dice Club with her new friends Aya and Midori, and playing various card games, board games, and dice games, that are different from each other, having their own sets of rules, and themes—these games will test Miki’s wits, luck, teamwork, and intuition. Winning a game may provide the same gratification as catching fish in Teibou, but by the end of the day, both Hina and Miki enjoy their time with their activities and friends.

    After School Dice Club OP

    6. Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu (Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C³)

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00DS2USZO" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
    [en][information_general item1 = "Episodes" content1="13" item2="Aired" content2="July 2013 - September 2013" post_id=""][/en]
    [es][information_general item1 = "Episodios" content1="___content1___" item2="Emisión" content2="___content2___" post_id=""][/es]

    Yamato Yura enrolls at Stella Women's Academy, a classy and elegant all-girls school with everything a delicate flower needs. What she didn’t expect, however, is that she would end up joining the school’s airsoft club known as C³ Club. Guns, guns, guns everywhere! That’s not classy and elegant at all! You can draw many parallels between Teibou and C3-bu, though ultimately, it’s all about character dynamics, especially the MC. Yura enrolls in Stella Women’s Academy to start her next chapter in life. Enthusiastic as she is about the idea of being under the wing of a beautiful senpai—Maria-sama ga Miteru style—Yura ends up joining the airsoft club called the C³ Club. Yura is the kind of girl who is into participating in survival or war games, but she has the talent of shooting an airsoft gun. Sonora, the club president, notices Yura has hidden potential and Yura could be that one star rookie that will help the C³ Club win in war games against rival schools. Hina, on the other hand, moves back to her seaside hometown and plans to join the arts and crafts club in her new school, but she ends up involuntarily joining the Breakwater Club after Hina bumps into Yuuki, the club’s president. Yuuki, ulterior motives aside, notices Hina is a natural talent all thanks to her experience with handcrafting—tying knots, untangling messy fishing lines, and even gutting out fish are just second nature for her.

    Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3 Trailer

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="NEOGDS-408873" text="" url="" ]

    Final Thoughts

    And there you have it! So what do you think of the list? Do these satisfy your thirst for more cute girls doing cute club activities? We hope so! There are a lot more slice of life anime out there, and if there’s an anime you want to share with us and the community, please, we’re all ears!

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