• Breaking News

    TIGER UPPERCUT! Happy Birthday to the King! Sagat!

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • The name itself should already ring a few bells in your conscious mind because well, who DOESN'T know Sagat from Street Fighter?! If it weren't for that incredibly intense battle between him and Ryu in the field on that dark stormy night, Sagat would not have received that iconic scar on his chest. Nor would he be this bloodthirsty maniac working for Shadoloo until eventually life hit him pretty hard, and he became a spiritually powerful Muay Thai master. I'm sure by now you get the point, and it's that Sagat is a very iconic character in the video game world and so without him, there really wouldn't be a strong narrative for Ryu in the series.
    • Today is the king's birthday and so we thought it would be best to celebrate the tiger knee specialist by making an article about him. It's quite rare to see a character archetype like Sagat go from being this thug working for M.Bison to somewhat of a sage, constantly striving to improve himself to become the very best in his own right. Usually a lot of characters stick to their role and maintain it throughout the course of a series, but we love Sagat because he was willing to put all of his dark times behind him in order to live a much richer life. That doesn't mean he's slacked off though because this man can still chuck a ton of tigers and hit you with a powerful tiger uppercut if you're not careful.
    • Perhaps it would be best to shoutout some of the most decorated FGC fighters who have mained Sagat and that would be of course Bonchan, Ryan Hart, and none other than Mago the 2D god himself. What are some of your favorite Sagat matches in the FGC? Let us know in the comments!

    • [balloon_speech align="left" text="This guy was a menace in Street Fighter II Turbo...Couldn't beat him!!" image="bee-angry1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="It's humbling to hear how he changed his life though. Good for him! Happy birthday Sagat!" image="honey-happy1"]
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