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    [Moments in Anime] 7/15 - The Bakemonogatari Class Trial, Where It All Started

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • On July 15th (2 years before Koyomi met Hitagi Senjougahara, Koyomi was a first year high school student), Koyomi Araragi was summoned by Sodachi Oikura, the class leader, to attend the class meeting. Really, though, it wasn't't a class meeting...It was a class trial.
    • On the day before the first day of finals week, some classmembers organize a study group and study math. After taking the exam the next day, there is something strange. There's an average score difference of 20 points between those who assisted to the study group and thos who didn't. Oikura suspects that someone got the exam questions in advance and they brought them into the study group. It is cheating behavior, so Oikura holds the class trial and tries to look for the criminal.
    • Koyomi didn’t participate in the study group but got a perfect 100 score so he is chosen a chairperson. But there is no clear evidence that someone cheated, so Koyomi suggests that the class trial should be dissolved, but Oikura objects. She forces the classmates to decide who the criminal is by majority vote. And finally, Oikura is appointed the criminal. From that day, Oikura stops coming to school.
    • Koyomi, however, knows who the true criminal is. It is the teacher Tetsujou, who wants the score of his class to be higher. Koyomi saw him raise his hand when the majority vote was held and Oikura was voted the criminal. This all leads to Koyomi’s distrust of human beings and why he decides that he would never make friends.
    • This is all exposed in the first 2 episodes of Owarimonogatari if you wan tto see it for yourself!
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    [balloon_speech align="left" text="Man, that'll traumatize anybody!" image="bee-surprised1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Poor Oikura! " image="honey-cry1"]
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