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    Happy Birthday to Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto!

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    "Naruto. I know you're special but...I am more special than you!"

    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • Sasuke is one of the strongest ninja and the best friend of Naruto. One could say that Sasuke is the second protagonist in Naruto!
    • Saskue was destined to fight against Naruto and left the Hidden Leaf VIllage and said goodbye to Naruto & his future wife Sakura, but now (in Boruto) he is the loving but cool father of Sarada.
    • It goes without saying that his main characteristic ability is Sharingan, which allows him to copy what the enemy does (Kakashi often uses this skill).
    • Sasuke has been brushing up his skill in order to kill his brother Itachi and this hate is the ground of all Sasuke’s behavior & actions. The traumatic slaughter of his family makes him fear deep relationships, so he's tended to be alone since childhood.
    • Orochimaru became interested in Sasuke’s talent & body, so he aims to steal his body to use as a vessel. Sasuke knows that, but he decides to follow Orochimaru in order to kill Itachi. This leads to Sasuke & Naruto’s separation, as that is when they go onto different paths.
    • When he finally learned the truth about Itachi and his family, he came to hate Konoha. But along with Naruto, he saved Konoha & many ninja there. Becoming one of the heroes.
    • Favorite food: Okaka rice balls and tomato.
    • Most disliked food: Natto, sweet things.

    [balloon_speech align="left" text="It's nice that he became less of a jerk!" image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Happy birthday, Sasuke! I'm sure he'll get a lot of fan love today!" image="honey-happy3"]
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