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    Get In the Mood with this New Diamond Pikachu Ring! - You Can't Unsee This...

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • Summer is such a romantic season, even Pokemon has gotten into it with designs that will inspire... all kinds of feeleings in your beloved!
    • Various engagement rings featuring Pikachu, designed as a collaboration with Ginza Tanaka are now available for pre-order on the Pokemon Center Online website.
    • You can choose between gold and platinum and you can have them engraved too!
    • Pre-ordering is open now and items are expected to ship within 8 weeks
    • The collection starts at 115,100 yen (about $1,100 USD), and the one above is 346,500 Yen (about $3,270 USD) so we hope you have some money saved up!

    [balloon_speech align="left" text="Is it just me or does it remind you of... Nah... It's just me, right?" image="bee-surprised2"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Bee-kun! You and your filthy mind..." image="honey-annoyed"]
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