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    Unfortunate Moments in Anime: The Day of ”Watanagashi (The Cotton Drifting )" in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • Not every moment that we cover in anime is going to be glorious and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is notorious for having a lot of unfortunate events. Today we'll be sharing one of those moments, more specifically The Day of ”Watanagashi (The Cotton Drifting )." Watanagashi is held on the 3rd Sunday of June but in the anime 6/19 is Watanagashi! So this year Watanagashi is held 6/21.
    • Keiichi Maebara, the 14-year-old boy, moves to Hinamizawa Village which is a rural area far from the center of city. It is a closed community, and the villagers worship the God of "Oyashiro-sama." Keiichi makes friends with Rena, Mion, Satoko, and Rika.
    • They invite him to go to Festival of "Watanagashi (The Cotton Drifting)" in which people hold a memorial service for cotton which they use in everyday life. They planned to play with each other and enjoy watching Rika's dance dedicated to Oyashirosama...
    • There's a rumor that "At the night of Watanagashi, two people will disappear and two people will be killed." Actually, it has happened 4 times before Keiichi moved to Hinamizawa.
    • As a newcomer, Keiichi becomes interested in this rumor and the dark history of Hinamizawa. He didn't know however, that his various actions will lead to the tragedy and Keiichi himself is now involved in destined slaughter...
    • In addition, as celebration of the upcoming new narrative of Higurashi on Fall 2020, the whole story of "Higurashi no Nakukoro ni" will be broadcasted on Abema TV (From 6/20 7:30~ 6/30 23:59) & Nico Nico (From 6/20 11:30~ 6/28 23:59)!! Please check it out on the official website!

    • [balloon_speech align="left" text="Higurashi always hits me with some shocking moments. Totally crazy stuff!" image="bee-cry1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Those moments will always stick with me, and not in a good way..." image="honey-shocked1"]
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