• Breaking News

    This is Finger Lickin' Good! The KFConsole has Been Revealed!

    [sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]

    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • Yesterday was just jam-packed full of news from all around the gaming world, most notably the major reveal of Sony's next-gen console the PS5. Lots of eyes were glued to the screen just to see what Sony would reveal to the world, and while not everyone was entirely enthused about some of the games showcased and lack of a price tag, people were still having discussion.
    • One reveal however, seemed to be overshadowed by all of the hype surrounding Sony because the folks over at KFC decided to reveal a powerhouse console of their own, known as the KFConsole! This console comes with a chicken chamber, allowing players to not only cook their opponents online but fry up some good ol' chicken at the same time!
    • It comes with cross-platforming gameplay built straight in, a huge leap in the gaming world and a step in the right direction, and this console runs at true 4K and 120 FPS which is astounding!
    • The sleek looking black and red exterior are very fitting for the KFC brand, and we were given a release date as well, 11.12.20! What do you all think about this? Let us know! Power your hunger!

    • [balloon_speech align="left" text="I need a 2 piece and some gravy with this one!" image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="That chicken chamber is actually incredible! Finger Lickin' Good I say!" image="honey-happy1"]
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