• Breaking News

    The PS5 Has Been Revealed, and We're Excited!

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • We finally made it...after months and months of waiting...we finally made it. The PlayStation 5 has been revealed and to be quite honest, we're excited! Sure, the actual look of the console is a bit mixed on opinion but the showcasing of games was where it hit us the most.
    • Most would agree that a lot that was shown wasn't let's say, as "impactful" as many would have hoped for, but seeing nostalgic titles like Ratchet and Clank make a comeback truly opened my heart up a lot. The most spectacular portion of the show for us was hands down Horizon Zero Dawn: The Forbidden West, the sequel to the award-winning title that even to this day we're still playing through just to get platinum!
    • Resident Evil V.ILLAGE was actually very incredible too and that had us excited for another wild and crazy horror experience, while a lot of the indie titles were surprisingly cool looking. Overall the reveal was what we were anticipating and we finally had the chance to see the futuristic and sleek looking design, but now the real question is...how much is this all going to cost us?!
    • What were some of your hightlights from the reveal? Let us know!

    • [balloon_speech align="left" text="I wasn't TOO thrilled about the showcase but definitely Spiderman Miles Morales was awesome looking." image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="I'll be the devil's advocate here and say that the indie titles really caught my attention, along with Capcom's Pragmata announcement!" image="honey-happy1"]
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