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    Moments in Anime: Monbran Norland Sets Sail to Find Island of Gold

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • One Piece is one of those anime that seemingly never end, no matter how close we think we are to the end. A new chapter begins and suddenly you find yourself engrossed in another adventure. Well, we have another cool moment for you and this time, it's about the Monbran Norland.
    • One day, a galleon ship fell from sky above the Going Merry Ship. At the same time, Logpose points at sky in sudden awe. At that moment, the Straw Hat Pirates came to know that there are lands that exist in the sky. People call them "Sorajima", but few people actually believe their existence.
    • But Luffy has the strong desire to go to Sorajima to uncover more. After they decide to go there, they came across "The King of Salvage" Mashira and land on Jaya. There is offspring of Monbran Norland, who is famous for the story of "Usotsuki Norland". His name is Monbran Cricket.
    • Norland is known as an explorer. After his final expedition, he said to his king that "I found the Island of Gold." King decides to visit there and depart soon, but the Island of Gold and residents of the location have disappeared. Norland was killed because he was suspected to be a "liar." He had been disputing that the Island of Gold exists, but he was finally killed for his actions. This became the folk tale.
    • Monbran Cricket desperately tries to seek for the evidence of Island of Gold's existence. He has a strong hypothesis that if people get on the eruption of sea mountain, it leads them to Sorajima (actually the part of Island of Gold). Luffy believes it and they reach Sorajima!

    • [balloon_speech align="left" text="One of my all-time favorite moments! Luffy truly believed and it manifested for him!" image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="A bittersweet one at that. Monbran put his life on the line to prove the truth, and Luffy proved it for everyone!" image="honey-happy1"]
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