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    Will The Last Of Us 2 Live Up to The Hype and Deliver?!

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    Fans Are Refusing To Buy Or Support The Last Of Us 2 | SPOILERS (Opinion)

    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • The gaming industry is almost always dealing with some form of controversy, whether it games being delayed, or developers suddenly making last minute changes to a game that felt unsubstantial, among other things. So it comes as no surprise that the folks at Naughty Dog are facing some backlash from the community regarding the highly anticipated release of The Last of Us 2, which is supposed to drop very soon.
    • Last month, the video above and from other sources, dived into detail about the game making a great deal of changes. For example, a lot of the narrative has been altered in various ways, pretty much changing the way Ellie is as a character throughout the game. Joel doesn't receive as much attention that he deserves and a brand new character that's been introduced, has committed to an act that's very anticlimactic, and SJW related material, leading fans to believe that some poor writing had taken place.
    • Fast forward to today and much of that speculation is all but gone, and fans are now more excited than ever to get a taste of The Last Of Us 2, when it drops in a few weeks. Folks over at Resetera have already received their early review copies of the game and are pretty stoked about their impressions thus far, along with metacritic ratings showing strong performance as well. The real question is will The Last Of Us 2 truly deliver on its hype? Will it be deserving of GOTY as the PS4 is now on its final lap just before we're all introduced to the next-generation of consoles? We'd like to believe so but fans are foaming at the mouth to try it for themselves to see if all of this early speculation was just emtpy banter. What are your thoughts on this? Will you still buy The Last Of Us 2?

    • [balloon_speech align="left" text="Honestly, I'd like to believe that the game will still sell extremely well, in spite of the setbacks it dealt with early on." image="bee-gendou"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Better to experience it for yourself truly before jumping to conclusions." image="honey-happy1"]
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