Stay at Home Cosplay?! Air Comiket Begins with Taku-Cosplay!

[en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]
- By now, many of you who follow our articles will know that Comic Market 98 had been cancelled due to the coronavirus situation, but that didn't stop the Comiket committee from being creative. Now known as Air Comiket, this event will allow fans of Comiket to enjoy the festivities from the comfort of their own home, while staying up-to-date on various announcements that happen on Twitter. We've made an article about Air Comiket so check it out if you haven't already.
- The main focus here is of course the cosplay, which most notably, is affected the most since cosplayers enjoy having their pictures taken in outdoor venues. It seems however that the cosplay community has taken advantage of the indoor Comiket event with a trend in Japan known as 宅コス (Taku Cosu) or Stay-at-Home cosplay. A lot of cosplayers on Twitter are posting their hearts out in hopes that they'll still receive all of the attention, but instead of flashing lights and aggressive cameramen looking for the perfect angle, it's now all about those likes, retweets, and follows!
- We'll leave you with some examples of the taku-cosu craze happening at the moment, but be sure to follow the #エアコミケ hashtag to stay updated on everything happening for Comiket this year!
[balloon_speech align="left" text="Wow. I really love the dedication these cosplayers have towards their passion." image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Truly admirable indeed! Beautiful too!" image="honey-happy3"]
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