Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle is Underrated

Spring 2020 has been an odd season for anime due to the various issues going on in the world. Many anime have run into delayed schedules and various series in the summer have been pushed back in their release dates. Luckily, there are still some incredible anime airing such as Kami no tou, Yesterday wo Utatte, Fruits Basket 2nd Season, and BNA. One series, though, has fallen by the wayside and we have to mention it. Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle—based on an event from the video game—has been barely mentioned in the anime community and that is a true crime. While Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle isn’t flawless—it has some issues—we have enjoyed the show so far and feel the series is quite underrated. Here are some elements we think need to be mentioned about Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle to possibly boost its popularity!
Project 9 Impressed Us!

Studio Project 9 isn’t a large anime studio and equally isn’t known for the best anime series out there. However, Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle has shown the studio is quite capable of crafting some solid animation. Every episode—of the four aired so far—of Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle has been quite lovely with some solid color designs, impressive fight animation and a strong OST that makes every scene feel that much more impactful. If Project 9 can continue delivering, then we can honestly feel some amazing episodes will soon release for Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle!
Interesting Story and Characters
At first, we didn’t know what to think of Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle’s story being based on a prologue event from the original game. If you’re a gamer who loves mobile titles then you know prologue events tend to be quick stories that aren’t usually fleshed out with a lot of depth. Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle, thankfully, has followed the prologue theme but expanded on it with more character depth and a deeper story. We are learning of the previous war that is considered long since passed in the main game and characters all have a nice amount of back story. We pray this continues but, so far, Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle is doing quite well for a prologue event!
Fantasy and Action Done Well…So Far, At Least
Fantasy anime like Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle can often be very copy-paste. Luckilly, this fantasy action series—with a bit of romance—is trying to go against the typical waves and be its own concept. There’s a depth to the story that makes us wonder…who really is good and bad? Speaking of which, it leads us into the grand scheme of the story and that is the world of darkness and light…
Darkness and Light
By episode 3 of Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle we notice the main theme for the series is the two conflicting worlds, Darkness and Light, essentially. Many anime viewers might groan a bit at such a simple theme but Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle has done an admirable job at keeping this tale intriguing. Rather than it being so cut-and-paste, the world of darkness—or black as the series notes—isn’t so evil and we can’t wait to see our main man Prince of Darkness possibly change the world with his ideals. Alongside Iris, both of these fighters for two different realms might lead the world into prosperity, or at the very least, lead the world towards a brighter tomorrow.
Final Thoughts
Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle has only 4 episodes released so far—as of writing this article—but we’re truly enjoying it! The story has gripped us with a nice mix of genres and the overall animation is done quite nicely! Is Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle anime of the year? Probably not but that doesn’t lessen its value in our minds and we think this series needs a bit more attention! Are you currently watching Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle and what are your thoughts if you are? Let us know down below! Keep stuck to our amazing hive for even more anime news and articles done by us here at Honey’s Anime!
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