No Gaming Conventions in 2020? Geoff Keighley Thinks Not! More Info Inside!

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- Just when you thought that all gaming conventions for 2020 were all but gone, here comes Geoff Keighley to save the day once again! If you haven't been keeping up with much of 2020 so far (that rock of yours must be pretty big) then perhaps here's a quick recap: COVID-19. Yes, that's right, due to this lame outbreak most of the world's most popular gaming conventions and events have been canceled for the entire year. So what does Geoff Keighley think of this? Seems like his galaxy brain kicked in and realized that digital events are the new wave and boom, here we are talking about the announcement of Summer Game Fest.
- Geoff puts it nicely as he states that it's "a new season of news, in-game events, and playable content from the entire video game industry." The digitial platform is a fantastic way for everyone around the world to participate and we've seen success from the likes of Nintendo's Treehouse, and Sony with their press conferences.
- The event, according to Geoff himself, will run in phases with the first phase focusing on the partership between developers and publishers such as Square Enix, so we're expecting a lot in this area. This entire event will run from May until August so this is going to be a summer worth taking note of, especially if you're a gaming fan!
Additional Tweets
[balloon_speech align="left" text="I think this is definitely the better direction for more gaming events, since everyone can be involved!" image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Yeah, especially those who can't attend events in person, these digital events are a great opportunity for them!" image="honey-happy1"]
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