Memorable Moments in Anime: Sakuta meets Mai Sakurajima

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- In the world of anime anything is possible and there are so many memorable moments that frequently take place, that we often forget them. We don't forget because we don't care but because there are so many eventful situations that happen, our hearts can only rectify a few that truly stand out. One that stood out to us was from the popular anime Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai), where Sakuta meets the beautiful Mai Sakurajima for the first time.
- This is a particulary interesting moment because for those who've watched the show, it contains a lot of emotional context. Mai came down with a rare condition called "Seishun-byou" or 'Puberty Syndrome', which makes her invisible to everyone around her. In spite of her popularity for being a notable child actress it seemed that the rare disease made life difficult for her. She dons a bunny girl outfit wandering around the school library in hopes that maybe she'll get some attention, but to no avail. That is, however, until Sakuta notices her and realizes that she's a victim of the disease and tries his best to help get her through the situation.
- Why is this memorable you ask? Well for many, even in real life, the feeling of not being noticed in spite of numerous attempts to do so, can have a very adverse effect on the mind and spirit. So when someone finally notices you and comes to appreciate the very essence of who you are, there's a lot of emotional joy there and in the anime, fans could really feel that emotion strongly with Mai.
- With the current COVID-19 situation happening all around the world, it's easy to feel the same way sometimes, especially with this whole social distancing agenda. Hopefully someone out there will notice you too and your potential, so that you can shine brightly just like Mai does!
[balloon_speech align="left" text="Did someone cut some onions around here... dammit" image="bee-cry3"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="It definitely was sad to see Mai go through all of that, but Sakuta is a real gentleman to help her! Love this show!" image="honey-happy1"]
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