Memorable Moments in Anime: Krillin Dies at 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai

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- While death isn't something you can truly call memorable, it does resonate, especially when the death in question was a very pivotal one in the narrative. Krillin is very well known character in the Dragon Ball franchise and while many fans of the series remember the death of Krillin by the hands of Frieza in Dragon Ball Z, he met his demise as well in the original series.
- Krillin was taken out at the 22nd Tenkachi Budokai by the hands of Tambourine, which ultimately led the series to take a more dramatic turn, as it wasn't just a shocking event for fans watching, but a major turning point in Goku's life. After rushing over to aid his fallen comrade, clutching Krillin in his arms and realizing he can't save his closest friend, the young Goku snaps into a rage and almost loses his own life trying to avenge his friend.
- Krillin was killed in such a sudden manner that it sparked a lot of sadness, especially since Goku really had no way of saving him. Truly a memorable moment in anime because at the time, as children, this scene left us crying for days.
[balloon_speech align="left" text="Such a pivotal moment that still sits with me to this day" image="bee-sad"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="This is really when Dragon Ball took a dark turn for sure. It helped the narrative a lot though." image="honey-sad"]
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