Kimetsu no Yaiba Tamagotchi Too?! They Go on Sale in October!

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- Some things in life just never go out of style and for Tamagotchi, that seems to hold true. Last time, we covered news about the release of Evangelion themed Tamagotchi toys that would go on sale around the time of the upcoming movie, which sadly was delayed. However, the timing seems to be just right for Kimetsu no Yaiba as earlier today, Bandai Toys announed on their official Twitter that the Tanjirou, Demon Slayer Corps, and Nezuko Tamagotchi versions will release in October!
- Now that's actually great because the highly anticipated movie for Kimetsu no Yaiba is scheduled to release in October as well, so this is a great incentive! The Tamagotchi are decked out in wonderful Kimetsu no Yaiba themed colors, with the blue/black/red version belonging to Tanjirou, and Nezuko looking mighty adorable with the purple/green/pink coordination. An additional color titled "Kisatsutai" (Demon Slayer Corps) is currently available for pre-order on Amazon, along with Tanjirou and Nezuko-chan which currently have a tentative price on them. Each will be retailed for 2,300¥(before tax) so be sure to put that money aside to get all 3 when they arrive! There will be exclusive Kimetsu no Yaiba mini-games within the Tamagotchi, which will feature other popular characters from the series, and much like every Tamagotchi you'll need to take care of your characters to see them grow! For more illustrations be sure to visit the official website!
Official Screenshots

[balloon_speech align="left" text="Oh yes! My birthday is around that time so I'm pre-ordering!" image="bee-love"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Grab all 3 and give Nezuko to me!" image="honey-happy3"]
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