Honeyfeed's Light Novel Project Cover Art Revealed!

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- At Honey's Anime, we appreciate all types of creativity, whether it be a small or major project. Well over at our Honeyfeed HQ it seems that something is brewing over there and a popular light novel is about to be revealed! The title is It’s My First Time Working Late Nights at a Convenience Store, and If I Keep Getting Demon Lords, Kappa and Other Oddballs as Customers, I’m Giving My Two-Weeks’ Notice” and while it's surely a long name, the cover art is quite splendid!
- The author is Gaia and is known for writing wonderful light novel stories that many fans on Honeyfeed have taken a liking to. So why not stay home, pick up this light novel and start reading when it drops May 16th! This is a Honeyfeed exclusive, so sign up and keep your eyes peeled!
- Until then, enjoy this great cover reveal, as part of Honeyfeed's winners of qdopp’s 2020 awards!
On his first ever graveyard shift at the local convenience store, Haru Muramatsu has to contend with a genuine, albeit out-of-touch, demon lord. His clientele only gets weirder from there, ranging from kappa to kuchisake-onna. Each chapter brings new challenges for the snarky (but secretly altruistic) cashier, and no two customers are the same![balloon_speech align="left" text="Shoutouts to Gaia for the wonderful work!" image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Looks like a light novel I'm down to read!" image="honey-happy1"]
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