David Hayter is Back in 2D Steampunk Metroidvania, SteamDolls!

[en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]
- Prepare to create some chaos in the oppressive steampunk world of SteamDolls. Take control of The Whisper (David Hayter, voice of Solid Snake), a cunning thief and anarchist. Explore the haunting, labyrinthine city, striking at your enemies from the shadows or blasting your way to your objective.
- Based on the graphic novel of the same title, you can check out this grim metroidvania-style game with the free demo available on Steam. SteamDolls Kickstarter campaign will start in June, with full release planned for 2021 on PC, PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch.
[en]Source: [/en][es]Fuente: [/es]Official Press Release
[balloon_speech align="left" text="Instead of screaming Snake, now it'll be WHISPER..WHISPPPPEEER!" image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Hah, that would be funny." image="honey-lol"]
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