Comical Moments in Anime: Tao Pai Pai Dies By Grenade in Dragon Ball

[en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]
- Not every moment in anime has to be serious and emotional in order for it to resonate with you, sometimes all it takes is a quick laugh to have something permanently stick to your long term memory. Dragon Ball is a series that contains a load of comedic moments as well as some more darker episodes, but it serves up quite the laugh when you go back and watch the older portions of the show.
- One great example of this is Son Goku vs. Mercenary Tao Pai Pai during the Commander Red Saga, which debuted back in May 27th, 1987 in Japan and November 7, 2002 in the west. Tao being the scoundrel that he was, decides to make his way up to the tower in a rush to obtain the sacred water, hoping that it will give him the upper hand. After Korin toys with the water (picking his booger out and putting it into the cup) and Tao is convinced that he was duped, Korin tells him that nothing is wrong with the water. Tao darts off on his black nimbus with the thought in his mind that he's gained enormous strength and decides to go toe-to-toe with Goku.
- Tao seemingly had the upper hand early on but Goku nearly kills him with an onslaught of strong attacks. Tao desperately tries everything in the book such as his Crane Style Assassin Strike but to no avail. Tao in his sly ways tries to beg for mercy and just as Goku decides to forgive, Tao throws a grenade at him as a last ditch effort. Goku realizes this immediately and swiftly kicks the grenade back at Tao, exploding in his face and killing him. What's comical about this episode isn't just the grenade going off, but just at how hard Tao tries so hard to convince himself that a grenade will stop Goku, and you immediately see his eyeballs pop out of his eyesockets in surprise. What are some your most memorable comical moments in anime? Let us know!
[balloon_speech align="left" text="Korin, what a champ, picking his nose and putting the booger inside the cup haha." image="bee-happy1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Tao had it coming to be honest. You don't throw a grenade at Goku and expect to live." image="honey-lol"]
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