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    Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited Three (Two) Episode Impressions Are Ready For You!


    [en]Honey’s Highlights[/en][es]Comentarios de Honey[/es]

    [balloon_speech align="left" text="Forget about Goku, Deku, and all shounen heroes. Daisuke Kanbe is my new role-model!" image="bee-gendou"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="This anime certainly questions police ethics... I'm not sure what to think of Mr. Millionaire Cop." image="mo-thinking"] [balloon_speech align="left" text="Whatever the case, this is one of the shows I'm sooooo looking forward to. A little bit of comedy, a little bit of drama, and two beautiful cops! I'm sold!" image="bombon-yes1"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="I just want to know Kanbe's number... I have something to ask him..." image="bee-wink"]

    Three Episode Impressions

    [ua_synopsis text="Should we love or hate a character like Daisuke Kanbe? He's handsome, he's arrogant, and he's one of those who think that money makes the world go round. What we do love, nonetheless, is the tense relationship between Daisuke and Haru, and everything that happens when these worlds collide. The first 2 episodes are really good, not only in terms of the plot but also animation-wise. Obviously, we have a lot of questions now. What happened with Haru in the First Division? Why is Daisuke's bank balance unlimited? And most importantly, why does the Kanbe family spend their money in solving crimes? Sadly, we'll have to wait a few weeks since coronavirus pandemic delayed the show and it will restart broadcasting in July. "]

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