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    “A Day in Shenmue” Trailer Takes the Player Deeper into Ryu’s World

    Shenmue-III-Day-1-Edition-407x500 “A Day in Shenmue” Trailer Takes the Player Deeper into Ryu’s World

    Shenmue III - A Day in Shenmue [NA]

    What You Need to Know:

    • Deep Silver and Ys Net today revealed the official Shenmue III gamescom trailer, “A Day in Shenmue.” The “A Day in Shenmue” video gives a glimpse into the beautifully detailed world of Shenmue III and the thrilling fighting system which lets players fully experience the power of Ryo’s martial arts. Shenmue III launches November 19th 2019 on PlayStation 4 and PC. Details pertaining to how you can pre-order can be found below.

    Source: Official Press Release

    Pre-Order Details

    Shenmue III will include all the following in-game items when purchased at participating retailers*

    • Snake Power: Three bottles of ‘Snake Power’ elixir to replenish energy during battle
    • Playing Tokens: 5,000 playing tokens for the in-game gambling area
    • “Blazing Kick” Advanced Training Scroll: Unlocks the advanced ability of the “Blazing Kick” to better challenge Ryo’s foes
    • Toy Capsule: Set of 24 tickets to exchange for in-game capsule toys
    • In addition to the items listed above, Amazon, Best Buy, Gamestop and EB Games will each offer bonus pre-order items for Shenmue III. Full details are below:

      Gamestop (US) / EB Games (Canada)

      Dragon/Phoenix Mirror Medallion: This exquisitely-crafted physical item is inspired by the iconic Dragon and Phoenix mirrors of the Shenmue series.

      Best Buy

      Limited Edition Steelbook: This illustrated Steelbook case captures the beauty and elegance of the Shenmue series and features portraits of Shenmue III heroes Ryo and Shenhua.


      Kenpogi Training Wear DLC: Original training gear based on actual Chinese Kung Fu wear.

      Players can secure their retail item of choice by reserving their copy today using the following links:


      Best Buy


      EB Games (Canada)

      Shenmue-III-Day-1-Edition-407x500 “A Day in Shenmue” Trailer Takes the Player Deeper into Ryu’s World
      One of my favorite titles from the Dreamcast! Now I can finally continue on with Ryo's life!
      Shenmue-III-Day-1-Edition-407x500 “A Day in Shenmue” Trailer Takes the Player Deeper into Ryu’s World
      Shenmue II really brought tears of joy to my eyes and I totally can't wait to jump into III.

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