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    Moments in Anime: Cell Becomes Perfect in Dragon Ball Z

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    [en]What You Need to Know: [/en][es]Lo que necesitas saber: [/es]

    • There's just something so powerful about anime, something that resonates so much with you after watching your favorite show. You build such a love towards the series until it slowly becomes an obsession, constantly disecting whatever you can to make sense of all that's happening. Dragon Ball Z was one of those shows where, the moment you immersed yourself and engaged in all of the action you became addicted.
    • One memorable moment in Dragon Ball Z and is quite the iconic one is when Cell achieved his goal to become Perfect Cell, after successfully absorbing Android 18 and taking on a more humanoid form. This was quite the scene because for so long, Cell had been desperately trying to take out the Z-fighters with everything he had, producing more Cell Jrs but every time he tried it was to no avail. So once he decided to finally attack Android 18 and become perfect all hell broke loose as Cell decided to create the now infamous Cell Games as a way to test his new-found power.
    • Everything was a mere game to Cell, which closely resembles that of King Piccolo who too saw everything as a game, terrorizing the people on Earth and instilling fear upon them for leisure. Cell's ego however got the best of him as he eventually is destroyed by Gohan's iconic final attack (Father-Son Kamehameha). Not so perfect after all...

    • [balloon_speech align="left" text="Definitely a very memorable moment indeed! I still get chills watching the Cell Games." image="bee-jerk"] [balloon_speech align="right" text="Yeah, this and the Frieza saga were truly god-like!" image="honey-happy1"]
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